04. CXA - Entry Key Fobs

04. CXA - Entry Key Fobs

CXA - Entry Key Fobs:   Updated:    03 August 2019


Presently we have a limited amount of key entry fobs, which are presently not programmed. We are actively trying to learn the process of programming these fobs.  We have also ordered a further batch of fobs to be held in stock.

Key entry fobs, once received will be issued on a case by case basis (urgency) and will be charged at cost with an administration fee of £10.00  & Vat per fob.  (programming and delivery fee).

Fobs are individually given a license number and this will be recorded on our management system against the individual receiving the replacement.

Please note: 

1. Due to the importance of the security of the building, fobs will not just be issued without good reason for a replacement.

2. Lettings agents, acting on behalf of leaseholders, will not be issued a "Master Fob" nor issued keys to the electrical cupboards.



Don Gerrard